
Current position

PhD student at University College Cork (UCC) 🇮🇪 Supervisor: Derek Bridge.

Past positions


  • Recommender systems;
  • Music information retrieval.


Selected publications

Full publications record: click.


  • Explainability of music playlists: Click;
  • Recommender systems and instability: Click.

Browse all my research projects here.


28/06/2022: Paper accepted at RecSys ‘22: A User-Centered Investigation of Personal Music Tours.

22/02/2022: Won the best paper award ‘21 within the school of computer science in UCC.

31/07/2021: Journal paper accepted in the JIIS: Analyzing and Improving Stability of Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems.

22/09/2021: I will join Deezer research in Paris for a research intership, where I will work under Elena Epure and Romain Hennequin on playlist captioning.

31/07/2021: Paper accepted as a LBR at RecSys ‘21: Play It Again, Sam! Recommending Familiar Music in Fresh Ways.

10/07/2021: Paper accepted at ISMIR ‘21: An Interpretable Music Similarity Measure Based on Path Interestingness.

23/06/2021: Won the James Chen best student paper award at UMAP ‘21.

13/06/2021: My research has made its radio debut on BCC Radio 6. Listen back.

01/06/2021: Paper accepted at UMAP ‘21: Generating Interesting Song-to-Song Segues With Dave.

21/11/2020: Paper accepted at SAC: On the instability of embeddings for recommender systems: the case of Matrix Factorization.

05/09/2019: Paper accepted at the RecSys Challenge Workshop: Leveraging laziness, Browsing-Pattern Aware Stacked Models for Sequential Accommodation Learning to Rank.